Our Code of Ethics & Human Rights Policy
Synergy Hardware is entirely opposed to any modern slavery or human trafficking and is committed to ensuring that the practice is reported and stopped if any such occurrences should ever come to our attention. Human Rights issues can manifest themselves in many ways and can take various forms such as slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking. Synergy Hardware is opposed to any forms of the above.
As a responsible UK business, we will strive to adhere to the following commitments;
- We will operate a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and are committed to acting ethically, transparently and with integrity in all business dealings. We will implement effective systems to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place anywhere within Synergy Hardware or any of our supply chains, contractors and other business partners and any new or current contracts for renegotiation will be strictly audited for compliance.
- We accept that we have a responsibility through our due diligence processes to ensure that workers are not being exploited, that they are safe, and that any relevant employment, health and safety regulations and human rights laws and standards are being adhered to.
- We will take responsibility for ensuring that all parts of the business comply with the company’s legal and ethical obligations of modern slavery legislation. Every member of Synergy Hardware has a duty to make themselves aware of the modern slavery guidelines and legislation. It is the duty of all personnel to educate themselves on modern slavery and people trafficking from any available sources and if they have any further questions, they should seek clarification from a member of the Management Team. A recommended source of information can be found at www.antislavery.org/slavery-today/modern-slavery/
- Employees are encouraged to raise concerns about any issues or suspicion of issues in any part of the business or any partners, suppliers or third parties that the business connects to.
- We will terminate relationships with suppliers, contractors, and other business partners if they breach this policy and/or are found to have been involved in modern slavery and we will report any concerns to the relevant authorities.
This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Management Team to ensure compliance and to seek improvements wherever possible and/or necessary.